
Castle Building Centres uses the Objective Family of typefaces for its advertising and marketing communications for its timeless appeal, versatility, and universal accessibility.

We have chosen six primary fonts from within the expansive Objective Family for use in Castle Building Centres materials. These are:

  • Objective Thin
  • Objective Light
  • Objective Regular
  • Objective Medium
  • Objective Bold
  • Objective Extra Bold

Since these typefaces all belong to the same family, you can be confident in combining them. Carefully consider how the fonts will be used and its legibility in the medium you are working in. Use Objective Bold for headlines and headers. Objective Extra Bold may also be used for headlines, headers and for words or short phrases that require emphasis. Never use a Bold font to write body copy with 20 words or more. Use Objective Regular for all body copy and legal copy. If Objective is not available, or if the above criteria cannot be met, Helvetica or Arial may be substituted.

Recommended body copy format. Legal copy (such as a disclaimer) must be no less than 5.5pt for print and must not be smaller than 8pt in web, video or other digital media.