Exterior Signage

Primary signs let people know that you are their Castle Dealer. They are visible from the street and are part of your pylon signs near the road and on buildings such as your store, sheds or warehouses.

The established design format for Primary Signs allows Dealers to retain their identity, while maintaining the brand unity of the Castle network. The approved guideline is for at least 50% of the sign surface area to feature Castle Building Centres branding, with the remaining space being used for Dealer identification.

Dealer identification is to appear in Helvetica Black font, uppercase letters only. In circumstances where the Dealer name is too long to fit the space available, Helvetica Condensed Black font shall be used.

Castle has designed two Double Pylon sizes for your primary sign:

  1. Castle sign 8’ x 6’ with reader board of 8’ x 3’
  2. Castle sign 10’ x 7’ 6” with reader board 10’ x 3’ 6”
The exterior colour palette for Castle stores is grey walls, accented with a "racing stripe" of Castle Blue, Gold and Red. Adopting the Castle “racing stripe” colour scheme for the exterior of your building will help it stand out against the landscape and convey a modern, progressive business.
The shadowbox entranceway is a popular entranceway option among Castle members as it sends a clear signal where your main entrance is located. Entranceways can be built in any size and is to be painted Castle Blue (Pantone Reflex Blue), in keeping with the exterior colour palette.
Secondary signs provide information and way finding inside your property line. They consist of directional signs such as Receiving, Shipping, Parking, etc., or site signs that promote your supply of building materials to a construction site and lumber yard.

The Castle logo is not required on directional signage; however, lettering is to be Helvetica Black, in Castle Gold (PMS #123) and reversed out on a Reflex Blue background. Directional arrows are to be in red (PMS #485).
Selecting the right size of sign lettering depends on the distance the sign will be read from, the average speed of cars passing your location and the number of obstacles such as other buildings, trees, billboards, etc., that are competing for attention. After picking a clear location for your sign, an effective letter height needs to be decided on. 

When replacing sign faces, the Castle logo must appear first and occupy 1/3 of the total length of the sign. The Dealer’s trading name occupies the remaining 2/3 of the sign and appears in Pantone Reflex Blue, on a white background, In Helvetica Black or Helvetica Extra Condensed.
People shop where they feel comfortable. Castle has developed interior design guidelines to ensure your store is an inviting and effective retail environment for your customers to shop in. Here are a few key success factors in designing your store’s interior:
In-Store Signage Guide

Click the button below to view the Castle In-Store Signage Guide, which includes:Colour & Brand Specifications, Racks Flat, Racks Trapezoid, Racks Triangle, Signs Aisle, Signs Aisle, Signs Hanging Aisle, Signs Hanging Circular, Signs Hanging Department, and In-Store Samples.

Castle In-Store Signage Guide
BMF In-Store Signage Guide
Leverage the benefit of being part of a strong national brand by using our proven exterior signage systems and guidelines.
Primary Signs

Primary signs let people know that you are their Castle Dealer. They are visible from the street and are part of your pylon signs near the road and on buildings such as your store, sheds or warehouses.

The established design format for Primary Signs allows Dealers to retain their identity, while maintaining the brand unity of the Castle network. The approved guideline is for at least 50% of the sign surface area to feature Castle Building Centres branding, with the remaining space being used for Dealer identification.

Dealer identification is to appear in Helvetica Black font, uppercase letters only. In circumstances where the Dealer name is too long to fit the space available, Helvetica Condensed Black font shall be used.

Castle has designed two Double Pylon sizes for your primary sign:

  1. Castle sign 8’ x 6’ with reader board of 8’ x 3’
  2. Castle sign 10’ x 7’ 6” with reader board 10’ x 3’ 6”
If you belong to other associations and wish to include their signage, please contact Castle’s Business Development or Advertising Department for appropriate guidelines.
Secondary Signs
Secondary signs provide information and wayfinding inside your property line. They consist of directional signs such as “Receiving, Shipping, Parking, etc., or site signs that promote your supply of building materials to a construction site and lumber yard.

The Castle logo is not required on directional signage; however, lettering is to be Helvetica Black, in Castle Gold (PMS #123) and reversed out on a Reflex Blue background. Directional arrows are to be in red (PMS# 485).

Site signs can be ordered through the Castle Buying Guide.

Your lumber yard is a competitive strength. Promote it by installing a Lumber Yard sign to let everyone know what business you are in. Use of the Castle logo is not required on lumber yard signs. Lettering is Helvetica Black in Castle Gold (PMS #123), reversed out of a Reflex Blue background. The ‘Maple Leaf’ icon is red (PMS #485)
Size of Sign Lettering
Selecting the right size of sign lettering depends on the distance the sign will be read from, the average speed of cars passing your location and the number of obstacles such as other buildings, trees, billboards, etc., that are competing for attention. After picking a clear location for your sign, an effective letter height needs to be decided on.

To choose the correct letter height for your sign, follow the standards outlined in Castle’s Letter Height Guide.

To convert an existing sign to Castle branding, simply paint frames, boxes, poles and cladding in Castle Blue (Pantone Reflex Blue). Castle Blue paint is available from Pittsburgh Paints (#7062 Blue) and from SICO (#L5C22, M4C 26, V1C).

When replacing sign faces, the Castle logo must appear first and occupy 1/3 of the total length of the sign. The Dealer’s trading name occupies the remaining 2/3 of the sign and appears in Pantone Reflex Blue, on a white background, In Helvetica Black or Helvetica Extra Condensed.

Castle has sourced the following 3M colours for use replacing your sign faces.